Successful donation campaign

Thanks to all who contributed!

Donations from you and our partners, volunteer work and a little SENLAC magic and you have a WE HELP school trip. The first tour of our donation campaign took place successfully. Year 8 of the St. Angela Gymnasium went to the Thuringian Forest for 3 nights.

The programme included: a climbing course, discovering Erfurt, a nature day in the Hainich National Park with a visit to the treetop trail and the Wartburg in Eisenach. The absolute highlight for the students, however, was the disco in the hostel, supported by a DJ from Antenne Thüringen!

We would like to thank all donors once again, especially our partners (Hoppe Reiseverkehr and the Youth Hostel Tambach-Dietharz). We hope that the next trips will also take place with your help, so that we can give the students from the flooded region special moments.

Your Alicia


Spring makes you want to

travel and try something new!

We also feel like getting started again! Our website has been relaunched with new destinations, a login for teachers and an extra parents' area. This will keep parents and students informed and we hope to give our teachers the best possible support in preparing their school trips.

The Senlac highlight this summer will be an adult round trip Scotland - from the Edinburgh Military Tattoo to the far north to the Orkney Islands.

Our first groups of students are already back home from their school trips. And now we are looking forward to seeing you!

If you are interested in the Scotland trip, please write an email to:


Trip to Barcelona

Gaudi, Life & Tapas

Once again we visited Barcelona, our favourite Spanish city, combining work with fun travel and experiences. We are Gaudi fans and have been following the construction progress of the Sagrada Familia for 20 years - breathtakingly beautiful. Our special highlight on this trip: breakfast at MAURI on Rambla Catalunya with artful petit fours and the best hot chocolate in Catalonia. I (unfortunately) couldn't resist the temptations. The "sugar-free" colleagues preferred crispy baguette with Jamón Ibérico.

We are also happy to help small groups book Barcelona. The best time to visit is early season, it's early spring and there's no crowding at the sights yet. Barcelona and its many tapas bars or a city break to London, Berlin, Lisbon and Rome always hold surprises for the curious.

Kind regards,

Angelika & Team

First Baltic Sea Trip 2022

We celebrate our Freedom - Day!

We celebrate our Freedom Day! Although the weather was not quite as good, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of all participants.

Finally, our work is bearing fruit again and we can do what we enjoy most: organizing unforgettable trips and giving all our groups a nice time out. Soon our first school trips will be ready to start - we are really looking forward to it.

Then it's: Let's go to England!

Today is Valentine's Day

Day of Love and Charity

Valentine's Day is not only the day of love, but also of charity. That's why we want to help people today who are worse off than we are.  We have travelled to the Eifel several times and visited schools that are still affected by the flood disaster.

Please support us and sponsor a class, a class trip, a pupil. Every donation, big or small, also has a high symbolic value and is a sign of hope for those affected and for all of us.

Alle Spenden gehen direkt an die Schulen: 

Förderverein Boeselager-Realschule Ahrweiler

Bank: KSK Ahrweiler
Verwendungszweck: WIR HELFEN Klassenfahrten
IBAN: DE66 5775 1310 0000 8146 32

Förderverein St. Angela Gymnasium

Bank: Kreissparkasse Euskirchen
Verwendungszweck: WIR HELFEN Klassenfahrten
IBAN: DE08 3825 0110 0001 3000 60

Flood disaster - appeal for donations

for my old school in the Eifel region

We have already told you about our fundraising campaign" WE HELP". I am the youngest member of the SENLAC team and the donation campaign is particularly close to my heart. I grew up in Bad Münstereifel and graduated from St. Angela Gymnasium, one of the many schools that were severely damaged by the flood disaster.

My time at St. Angela's Grammar School had a great impact on me. Therefore my request: Help to give the students happy moments. The water has drained away - but the reconstruction will still take years, because classes are still being held in containers.

We ask for money for individual pupils or classes. Deposits go directly into the school's account.

Please help my old school, every gesture counts.

Your Alicia

Advent calendar - a German tradition

Nowadays popular worldwide

The tradition originated in Germany in the middle of the 19th century, but the exact origin can no longer be traced. Although the Advent calendar originated in Germany, you can get them almost everywhere nowadays. Even before the First World War, Advent calendars were exported to England and later to the USA.

Even at home in England, the typical German tradition is not to be missed. This year I treated myself to a tea Advent calendar. A new surprise every morning - simply delicious.

Your Alicia

Rochester Dickens Festival

What beautiful memories...

England always fascinates me with its old traditions.  This year, too, the Dickens Christmas Festival is being held in honour of the writer Charles Dickens. I fondly remember my last visit in winter 2014. Surrounded by elegantly dressed English people in Victorian style, only one person stands out.

As you can see, the English love to dress up. On 04 and 05 December, you can slip into your favourite novel character and take part in the parade. Highlights include the Christmas market, the parade of the "Seven Poor Travellers" and the closing open-air Christmas concert.

How I'd love to fly to Rochester right now,.

Have you also got the urge?

Yours, Angelica


Weihnachtszug - Bluebell Railway

A train ride to Christmas Land

Wearing a Norwegian jumper and a pointed hat, we travel on the packed Bluebell Railway Christmas train from Sheffield Park Gardens to Horsted Keynes. Over meadows and through woods, it illuminates everything in colourful fairy lights. The fairies send their regards and the music casts a spell over us. And although I'm not really that "Christmassy", I'm happy to let myself be completely enchanted for 2 hours. Actually, that's exactly what everyone needs nowadays.

Poppy Day

Alljährlicher Gedenktag, auch Remembrance Day genannt

Jedes Jahr zum „Poppy Day“ gibt es in Bexhill-on-Sea eine besonders blumige Verzierung. Die Mohnblume (Poppy) gilt als Gedenksymbol der zahlreichen Opfer beider Weltkriege. Die rote Farbe symbolisiert das Blut, welches in den Kriegen geflossen ist. Die Queen legt jedes Jahr einen roten Blütenkranz an dem Cenotaph Denkmal in London nieder.

Viele Briten tragen im November kleine rote Papierblumen am Revers, um an die vielen Kriegsopfer zu erinnern.