First Baltic Sea Trip 2022

We celebrate our Freedom - Day!

We celebrate our Freedom Day! Although the weather was not quite as good, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of all participants.

Finally, our work is bearing fruit again and we can do what we enjoy most: organizing unforgettable trips and giving all our groups a nice time out. Soon our first school trips will be ready to start - we are really looking forward to it.

Then it's: Let's go to England!

Today is Valentine's Day

Day of Love and Charity

Valentine's Day is not only the day of love, but also of charity. That's why we want to help people today who are worse off than we are.  We have travelled to the Eifel several times and visited schools that are still affected by the flood disaster.

Please support us and sponsor a class, a class trip, a pupil. Every donation, big or small, also has a high symbolic value and is a sign of hope for those affected and for all of us.

Alle Spenden gehen direkt an die Schulen: 

Förderverein Boeselager-Realschule Ahrweiler

Bank: KSK Ahrweiler
Verwendungszweck: WIR HELFEN Klassenfahrten
IBAN: DE66 5775 1310 0000 8146 32

Förderverein St. Angela Gymnasium

Bank: Kreissparkasse Euskirchen
Verwendungszweck: WIR HELFEN Klassenfahrten
IBAN: DE08 3825 0110 0001 3000 60

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DE +49 (0) 38203 77 8316

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