Advent calendar - a German tradition

Nowadays popular worldwide

The tradition originated in Germany in the middle of the 19th century, but the exact origin can no longer be traced. Although the Advent calendar originated in Germany, you can get them almost everywhere nowadays. Even before the First World War, Advent calendars were exported to England and later to the USA.

Even at home in England, the typical German tradition is not to be missed. This year I treated myself to a tea Advent calendar. A new surprise every morning - simply delicious.

Your Alicia

Rochester Dickens Festival

What beautiful memories...

England always fascinates me with its old traditions.  This year, too, the Dickens Christmas Festival is being held in honour of the writer Charles Dickens. I fondly remember my last visit in winter 2014. Surrounded by elegantly dressed English people in Victorian style, only one person stands out.

As you can see, the English love to dress up. On 04 and 05 December, you can slip into your favourite novel character and take part in the parade. Highlights include the Christmas market, the parade of the "Seven Poor Travellers" and the closing open-air Christmas concert.

How I'd love to fly to Rochester right now,.

Have you also got the urge?

Yours, Angelica


Weihnachtszug - Bluebell Railway

A train ride to Christmas Land

Wearing a Norwegian jumper and a pointed hat, we travel on the packed Bluebell Railway Christmas train from Sheffield Park Gardens to Horsted Keynes. Over meadows and through woods, it illuminates everything in colourful fairy lights. The fairies send their regards and the music casts a spell over us. And although I'm not really that "Christmassy", I'm happy to let myself be completely enchanted for 2 hours. Actually, that's exactly what everyone needs nowadays.

Poppy Day

Alljährlicher Gedenktag, auch Remembrance Day genannt

Jedes Jahr zum „Poppy Day“ gibt es in Bexhill-on-Sea eine besonders blumige Verzierung. Die Mohnblume (Poppy) gilt als Gedenksymbol der zahlreichen Opfer beider Weltkriege. Die rote Farbe symbolisiert das Blut, welches in den Kriegen geflossen ist. Die Queen legt jedes Jahr einen roten Blütenkranz an dem Cenotaph Denkmal in London nieder.

Viele Briten tragen im November kleine rote Papierblumen am Revers, um an die vielen Kriegsopfer zu erinnern.

Bonfire Night - English Tradition

05 November is the Day of Bonfires

Also known as Guy Fawkes Night, Bonfire Night is celebrated all over England on 5 November with lots of fire and noise.

This night celebrates the failed attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605. King James the First thus survived, and since then the day has been commemorated in England with parades, fires and lots of soot. Today, every year new unpopular political, historical effigies or simply a Corona Virus is burnt with great gusto.

Halloween in England

In the meantime, the creepy festival takes place all over Europe

It's that time of year again - Halloween is on 31 October and children in England are once again roaming around the houses begging for sweets.

Who is dressed up the bloodiest and who dares to go to the scariest house and ask "trick or treat"?

Often enough there are Curly Wurlies, Wine Gums, Flakes, Double Deckers, Rowntrees Fruit Pastels, Jelly Babies and Rhubarb & Custards. All typical English treats that are given away especially for Halloween.

We wish you all a spooky Halloween!

Your SENLAC Team

HALLOWEEN in Hamburg

Wicked - The famous Broadway musical

Fittingly for Halloween, the musical performance Wicked! recently began in Hamburg.

"Experience the magic between good and evil! Fever with the two witches as they experience true friendship and what is really important in life. Now the popular Broadway musical will also green-light Hamburg. Immerse yourself in the magical kingdom of Oz!"

If you are also interested in a musical trip to Hamburg, Berlin or Stuttgart, please contact us.


A must for any fan!

In the north of London are the Warner Brothers film studios, where you can immerse yourself in the fantastic world of Harry Potter. A guided tour explains everything about Harry, Ron and Hermione's adventures. But remember, you'll need time to get there. We always plan a day trip for the Studio Tour.

Since 12 June, there has also been a photo exhibition in London on the occasion of the 20th anniversary. In addition to the photo exhibition, there are digital magic pieces that will amaze you. Fans can immerse themselves in the world of Harry Potter in various ways with the help of green screen technology.

Let us continue to enchant you!

I miss the Highlands of Scotland

The Gaelic nickname of Scotland's most famous island, "Eilean a' Cheò", translates as Island of Mist. A very apt description in my opinion, because even during my visit to the far north, thick clouds hung in the mountains and fog in the valleys, but I was still able to enjoy the breathtaking view.

For those who want a nature holiday in the Scottish Highlands, we know some very special routes off the beaten track.

Especially if you already know London or the South of England, a school trip to Scotland is a good idea. Particularly suitable for sixth form students or final year students.

Fancy a trip? Then write to us, we will be happy to advise you.

Your Vivien


One of the most beautiful coastal resorts in England

I was last in Cornwall in summer 2014. A visit to the tidal island of St. Michaels Mount was one of my absolute highlights. The path to the well-preserved monastery building, which looks like Mont Saint-Michel in France, is only passable at low tide. When the tide comes in, boats have to be used. To this day, a handful of people live on the island and depend on the tides for their daily lives.

I'm looking forward to packing my bags again.

Yours, Vivien,


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