World Cultural Heritage

Travelling in Germany

The most beautiful travel destinations can be found in places recognised as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites. Unique architectural and technological ensembles that symbolise special periods of human history can be visited. UNESCO sites are those which are exceptional examples of surviving settlements that reveal the interaction between humans and the environment. This is of particular importance as our environment is threatened in many places by unstoppable change.


World Heritage Site

Industry & Technique

School trip Alfeld

Lower Saxony
Fagus factory - early example of industrial architecture in the Bauhaus style

School trip Goslar

Lower Saxony
Rammelsberg silver mine and the old town of Goslar

School trip Essen

North Rhine-Westphalia
Customs Society Coal Mine Industrial Complex - Symbol of the Ruhr Area

School trip Völklingen

The Völklingen Ironworks was the largest steelworks in Europe in the 20th century.


School trip Freiberg

Mining region Ore Mountains - Silver mines and old towns

World Heritage Site

Architecture of the 19th & 20th century

School trip Stuttgart

Corbusiers work - 2 houses of the Weißenhofsiedlung

School trip Berlin

Modernist housing estates, five residential areas including the Hufeisensiedlung in Britz


School trip Hamburg

Speicherstadt and the Kontohaus quarter - Chilehaus

School trip Darmstadt

Mathildenhöhe with important art nouveau architecture, Rosenhöhe Park

World Heritage Site

Castles & Palaces

School trip Würzburg

Residenz - one of the most magnificent baroque palaces in Europe

School trip Brühl

North Rhine-Westphalia
Augustusburg and Falkenklust Castles


School trip Quedlingburg

Half-timbered town with Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town

School trip Eisenach

Luther translated the New Testament at Wartburg Castle.

World Heritage Site

Ancient Cities & Ensembles

School trip Bamberg

Romantic old town with old town hall on a river island

School trip Stralsund

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Tells the natural and cultural history of Baltic amber.

School trip Dessau

Bauhaus buildings in Dessau and Bauhaus sites in Weimar and Bernau

School trip Lübeck

Old town with Holsten Gate, St. Mary's Cathedral and Buddenbrook House


World Heritage Site

Churches & religion

School trip Pforzheim

Maulbronn Monastery - Hermann Hesse was a monastery students

School trip Alpenvorland

Wieskirche - colourful rococo work of art

School trip Hesse

Abbey and Altenmünster of the Lorsch Monastery

School trip Hildesheim

Lower Saxony
Cathedral and St Michael's Church Masterpieces of Ottonian Sacral Architecture


School trip Aachen

North Rhine-Westphalia
Aachen Cathedral - Coronation site of German kings - Cathedral treasury

School trip Cologne

North Rhine-Westphalia
Cologne Cathedral - landmark of the city, shrine of the Three Kings

School trip Speyer

Speyer Cathedral - largest Romanesque church in the world

School trip Wittenberg

Luther Memorial in Wittenberg and Eisleben

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History in Lübeck
Pass through the famous city gate and taste delicious treats in the Niederegger Marzipan Café - welcome to a school trip to Lübeck!
History in Weimar
A school trip to Weimar offers Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Wieland and the library of the Duchess Amalia, as well as beautiful castles and parks.
Sustainability in Münster
Westphalian history was written in Münster in 1648. Today, cycling "investigators" follow significant traces through the old town worth seeing...
Sustainability at the Baltic Sea
Environmental project days on a class trip to the Baltic Sea. Actively participate in environmental protection and clear the beaches of plastic waste. We recommend a visit the seal breeding station in Warnemünde.
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