Together we can do good

The last 20 months have changed our lives - Covid almost made us give up SENLAC Tours. We had to sell our home/office building in England. Colleagues had to temporarily find another income. The flood disaster in the Eifel region on July 14 in 2021 came as a wakeup call and our team decided to confront our challenges head on and, more particularly, to help others who are much worse off than us.

Please support us!
We want to contribute
We cannot donate money, but we can provide our knowledge and time. SENLAC has taken over sponsorship of the Erzbischöfliches St.-Angela-Gymnasium in Erfttal and Freiherr-von-Boeselager Realschule plus Ahrweiler in Ahrtal. Our goal is to organise free and/or inexpensive school trips.

2021 Flood disaster in the Eifel region

Let's help affected schools

Freiherr-von-Boeselager Realschule

Thunderstorms and masses of water devastated the Freiherr von Boeselager Realschule. The school building on the ground floor was destroyed. In recent months the school community has tried to create some return to normality.

Check out two videos on their website:

St. Angela Gymnasium

The core of the town of Bad Münstereifel was destroyed and the Archbishop's St. Angela High School was devastated. The basement was completely flooded, and the first floor was under water - even the schoolyard was flooded.

Everyone can follow the school’s progress through the school website’s news feed:

We help

Please support us

Take on sponsorship

We are asking for money for individual students or classes. Deposits should only be made directly to school accounts. Every cent will only be used for day trips or school trips.

Every gesture counts

We ask for "donations in kind" such as youth accommodation, transportation or special price admission. We organise the trips free of charge.

Bank account numbers

of the schools’ associations

Association Boeselager-Realschule Ahrweiler

Banc: KSK Ahrweiler
Subject: WE HELP School trips
IBAN: DE66 5775 1310 0000 8146 32

Association St. Angela Gymnasium

Banc: Kreissparkasse Euskirchen
Subject: WE HELP School trips
IBAN: DE08 3825 0110 0001 3000 60

Phone Appointment
You want to arrange a callback with a SENLAC employee?

Then click here to get your appointment:

We would be happy to prepare a customized offer for you.

Please fill out the following form:


DE +49 (0) 38203 77 8316
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